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The literary Policy of the Church of Rome Exhibited - Joseph Mendham - Historia y Verdad
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Joseph MendhamAUTOR: Joseph Mendham

The literary Policy of the Church of Rome Exhibited

Más libros, audiolibros o documentales de Joseph Mendham

An Account of the Indexes Both Prohibitory and Expurgatory of the Church of RomeAn Index of Prohibited Books by Command of the Present Pope Gregory XVI in 1835Memoirs of the Council of TrentThe Church of Romes Traffic in Pardons SubstantiatedThe Literary Policy of Rome, Exhibited in an Account of Her Damnatory Catalogues or IndexesThe literary Policy of the Church of Rome ExhibitedThe Spiritual Venality of Rome Taxe Sacre Penintentiarie ApostoliceThe Spiritual Venality of Rome, Taxe Sacre Penitentiarie ApostoliceThe Venal Indulgences and Pardons of the Church of RomeThe Venal Indulgenees and Pardons of the Church of Rome

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